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Confluence is a private investor network available to philanthropies, individual donors, family offices, and their investment managers.  We are a membership-based organization that depends on dues, member sponsorships, and philanthropic support to fulfill our mission.

Our goal is to build a vibrant community of practice in which our members work together to transform the practice of investing. We strongly encourage collaboration, resource sharing, and leadership development.

We achieve this by providing over 20 educational events annually, including two three-day annual conferences, as well as several thematic working groups.

In addition to the expected benefits of network participation, members are invited to join forces with one another through collaborative program-related investment funds, corporate engagement campaigns, research, and special projects initiated by members themselves.

Confluence is composed of three main tiers of membership:  Practitioner, Associate, and Affiliate membership platforms. Members interact within our dynamic, private community and have access to an extensive resource library, toolkits, membership listservs, and private technical assistance from our CEO, staff, and advisors. Members are eligible to participate in free workshops, learning calls, and webinars, and receive discounts to industry events co-sponsored by Confluence.

Investment institutions are invited to participate in membership through an application and Board approval process.

Practitioner Investor Membership for Foundations and Individual Donors

Practitioner Investor Membership is for foundations and donors who have made an institutional commitment to values aligned investing and are seeking a community of practice that emphasizes strategic collaboration.

Associate Investor Membership for Foundations and Individual Donors

Associate Investor Membership is for foundations and individual donors who are beginning to engage in values-aligned investing strategies and are interested in making an institutional commitment.

Affiliate Investor Membership for Foundations and Individual Donors

Affiliate Investor Membership is for seasoned individual investors who do not have a philanthropy, and is by invitation-only.

Advisor Membership for Investment Advisory Firms, Asset Managers, and Nonprofit Intermediaries

Confluence offers membership to investment institutions (either for-profit or nonprofit) through our unique Advisors Program. Membership requires an application that includes three references from philanthropic institutions, donors, or a current Advisor member. Please see the Advisor area of the website for a full description of this special program.

Confluence Working Groups and Learning Cohorts

Confluence coordinates a number of thematic working groups and learning cohorts. These are initiated by members for the purposes of learning and strategic development. Participation in working groups requires membership. Non-member enrollment in learning cohorts, retreats, and learning tours requires tuition. Priority in all programs is given to dues-paying members.

Members of the Advisors Program may participate in working groups. However, participation of non-members is not allowed except by invitation of Confluence Philanthropy.

Please visit the other areas of the website for the most recent listings and descriptions of groups.

Watch the video to hear what members are saying:


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